My photos have been coming out truly sad... washed out... can't see detail. Grey Girl Graphics (company that built this site) showed me how to make my own Photo Lightbox. I made this one- learned some things and will make another=Larger with White Tape instead of Black. All in All though it came out pretty good I think.
Step by Step of Dear Darling Dudley.
I took a gazillion photos to get a decent one I could use... he was such a sweet dog. I was gonna leave off the slobbery brown bits around his mouth but owner Jim said "Leave it in. That's Dudley." So I did. This is literally the second pet portrait I've ever done. The first was of my own Sweet Squirt. I was unhappy with it. And too depressed as I drew it. She passed. VERY hard to handle. I started the portrait years later. But couldn't deal. It's been 8/9 years now. I may try again... we shall see. |
R&RRandom Ramblings & Imagery by myself & others: poetry, quotations, art, photography- whatever I find interesting & inspiring- Now
December 2024
Pet Portrait
Step by STep