What do YOU do when you feel completely unmotivated?
I really am asking that question. I realize very very few people read this... and even less than when I started because I fail to post anything new. But that is my point. I was stagnant. Running in place. Not MOVING. Not Motivated. For sosososo long. I have been uninspired to create new work. I am unable to gather energy to really DO anything. When I worked with Grey Girl Graphics to get Elsewise going I was motivated by her energy, but I don't seem to have any of my own. So I really am asking anyone who wants to post in comments: What do YOU do to get yourself motivated?
It is actually quite a juggling act- something with which I'm sure a great many of you are familiar---
I am really really really REALLY trying to manage my time better. As in, MAKE TIME FOR ART!! I have this awful habit of not being able to say "no" and so I take on far more than I can fit into a day. One of these days- no I really really really mean it- one of these days I'll learn to say "no" and I won't feel guilty. Really. It's gonna happen. I mean it. |
R&RRandom Ramblings & Imagery by myself & others: poetry, quotations, art, photography- whatever I find interesting & inspiring- Now
December 2024
Pet Portrait
Step by STep